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Energy 4.0 – Digital energy solutions for your energy management

Energy markets are constantly changing and, with the increasing use of generation from renewable sources such as wind farms, solar panels, water systems and electric vehicles, they are becoming increasingly complex, volatile and flexible. This certainly represents a challenge and, at the same time, an opportunity for utilities, production plant managers and industries. For this reason, new tools are needed that can respond to increasingly varied and articulated needs. Our digital energy solutions and our Energy AI Platform can help everyone involved in this new environment to reduce costs, save resources and generate incremental income.

Optimise your energy flow with artificial intelligence (AI)

Based on our Energy AI Platform, we offer modular solutions tailored to your needs, including Software as a Service (SaaS). We combine hardware, software, Internet of Things, data processing and cloud services to create value for you. You will benefit from low initial investments and the great flexibility of the platform. Maximum value at minimum cost – and all this from day one.

Digital energy solutions for industry and commerce (I&C) and for Utilities

High energy costs decrease the margins of industries and commercial enterprises, especially for the so-called energy-intensive industries, where energy consumption is a significant factor in the company balance sheet. Many companies are not aware of the potential savings or additional income they could access. Our digital products can help you make more profit and reduce your energy costs significantly. Entrust us with your energy management so that you can focus purely on your core business.

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