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Flexibility management for optimised production and consumption of electricity

The share of energy from renewable sources is constantly increasing in Italy and this makes balancing the network increasingly complex. The effect is an increase in the profitability of the dispatching services markets but it is necessary to be flexible and dynamic. Alpiq is able to help you use your assets profitably in this increasingly demanding and dynamic market environment.

A partner with experience in managing flexibility

We are to offer you flexibility solutions adapted to your needs. We have experience in the renewable energy sector, in traditional gas power plants, and in the industrial sector. We support our know-how with a team of traders active 24/7 who are able to take advantage of every market opportunity in a timely manner.  Contact us, and we will prepare a personalised offer for you.

What we offer

  • Wide range of products able to satisfy the needs of any type of production

  • A leader in the main European dispatching markets

  • Integration of your assets in our plant portfolio

Your benefits

  • Profit-sharing models

  • Accurate reports

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