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Risk and portfolio management

We can identify customized portfolio and risk management strategies to fit your business model. We help you identify the main risk factors and reduce them with targeted and effective measures, both in terms of cost, and consistency with your risk policy. We currently manage portfolios of third-party customers and we have learned to identify solutions with an excellent risk/reward ratio.

For reliable trading in the electricity market

Thanks to a rigorous risk management strategy, we are ready to better manage the uncertainties of the energy and gas markets. We offer consulting services on building your portfolio and provide you with all the necessary market information. We minimise your risks; you can trust us.

What we offer

  • Experience in portfolio analysis

  • Development of a diversified and long-term risk strategy

  • Implementation of risk management strategy

  • Customised strategic workshops

  • Reports dedicated to risk monitoring

  • Updated market information and analysis

  • Access to forward and spot markets

  • Consulting

Your benefits

  • A partner with many years of experience in the leading European markets

  • Personalised offers and individual services

  • Risk management and dynamic management of your portfolio

  • Continuous development of your energy supply strategy

  • Profit-sharing models

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