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Gas products for a secure and flexible portfolio

The gas market requires the availability of a flexible portfolio that allows dynamic hedging solutions. Thanks to our gas products, you will get the necessary flexibility, and protect your portfolio from risks deriving from price volatility.

Risk coverage with Alpiq gas products

With our European portfolio of gas procurement and storage contracts, we provide you with ample flexibility with which you can offset any imbalances in the short and long term. In addition, you will be able to count on professional figures dedicated to you, and experts in the physical and financial markets for electricity and gas. Use Alpiq products to optimise your portfolio, increase your flexibility or cover your risks. Get in touch with us.

Standard Products

What we offer

  • Custom gas supply
  • Spot and forward products
  • Procurement contracts for fixed prices or prices indexed to spot markets
  • Possibility of trading with derivative products

Your benefits

  • Access to a broad gas portfolio
  • Competitive market prices
  • Reduced commissions
  • Quick reaction times

Structured products

What we offer

  • Customised analysis of supply needs
  • Flexible and customised supply and wholesale contracts
  • Products with indexed or fixed price
  • Access to virtual storage solutions
  • Derivative products such as swing options

Your benefits

  • Increase your flexibility
  • Solutions that meet your needs
  • Personalised solutions

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