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Energy marketing services

Energy producers are faced with the challenge of finding active players in the energy market who are able to purchase their energy at competitive prices. We are a reliable and expert partner who purchases your production with flexible solutions without the application of the imbalance charges and proposing innovative solutions for participation in dispatching services.

We buy the energy you produce

Alpiq purchases the energy produced and optimises it on the market. Our experience in trading allows us to offer you a competitive price accompanied by a series of optional customisable services. Our presence in the main European markets allows us to buy your guarantees of origin (GdO) at competitive prices. Contact us for an informative meeting or to receive a personalised offer for your needs.

What we offer

  • Purchase contract at an indexed price or at a fixed price

  • Long-term purchase contracts

  • Customised production analysis

  • Reliable market analysis and price forecasts

  • Purchase and sale of Guarantees of Origin

  • Participation in the Dispatching Services Market (MSD)

  • Energy market training courses

  • Monitoring of regulations

  • Solution able to cover the zonal price risk

Your benefits

  • Being part of a portfolio exceeding 1,000 MW in Italy

  • Reliable partner with a high rating

  • Operations on the energy and dispatching services markets

  • Control room ready to operate 24/7 on the markets.

  • Customised solutions

  • Fixed price offers EUR/MWh

  • Solutions with the risk of imbalance included

  • Portal dedicated to customers

  • Periodic updates on regulatory and market developments