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Alpiq in Italy

Alpiq has a historic connection with Italy that has consolidated over the years in the sphere of commercial relations linked to energy exported on the interconnection line with Switzerland.

The strong dynamism that characterises the Italian energy market has offered the Group an opportunity to make its presence more widespread in the area, taking advantage of the opportunities that have been created since 1999 thanks to the liberalisation of the market that, in Italy, introduced the principle of free competition between operators.

We are currently present in Italy with 14 plants divided between thermal power, hydropower, wind and photovoltaic systems, for a total of about 770 MW. We are also active in the sale of electricity and gas, in the management of the energy portfolios for customers with high consumption and in the purchase and management of electricity produced by third-party plants. The market offer is completed by digital services.

Energy policy in Italy

In defining a correct energy policy, we consider supply security, cost competitiveness and respect for the environment and safety to be fundamental and to be pursued by focusing specifically on the following areas:

Improved production efficiency

We pursue a constant increase in production efficiency through the modernisation, flexibility and digitisation of plants, distributed generation and cogeneration-trigeneration processes.

Savings programme

Alpiq in Italy supports the development of a national programme for energy savings, which adopts measures to encourage consumers on one hand, and manufacturing and installation companies on the other.

Renewable energy

In Italy, we are committed to the development of a sustainable energy system that makes the national share of renewable energy grow, with incentives and a strong commitment to research, with particular attention to "new" sources such as wind power, small-scale hydropower and solar energy in its various forms.


We are one of the few operators on the Italian market that has the advantage of being present throughout the whole energy sector, from production to sales. We are reliable, responsive, and enterprising.

This means being able to offer competitive solutions that are always in line with the needs of individual customers, from large consumers and small companies.

The main values of our customer approach in Italy are:

  • Flexibility and the ability to offer customised solutions

  • Experience given by a centennial industry presence on the energy markets

  • Reliability and solidity of a European energy group

  • Ability to develop a partnership with its customers

  • Precision, organisational capacity and transparency