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Purchasing energy from renewable and traditional sources

As the owners or operator of an energy production plant, you need to sell your energy on the wholesale market. Our know-how and presence in the energy market in Italy and in Europe allows us to guarantee a flexible solution generating value from the market and better managing the risk of imbalance and price volatility. We offer flexible contracts that cover the risk of imbalance, generate value from spot and forward markets and provide you with the opportunity to participate in the Dispatching Services Market (MSD).

Minimise your risks

We can support you in the management of your plants and related risks. Our service portfolio includes products ranging from traditional market access to participation in dispatching markets.

Thanks to our expertise in trading and risk management, our artificial intelligence solutions already tested for our plants, our presence in the day-to-day markets and our customer-oriented approach, we are able to offer you customised and competitive solutions.

Within a continuous process of development, we are also increasingly investing in digital solutions to be able to participate and offer new markets and innovative products.