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Demand response management system

The new dispatching regulations introduced in recent years have effectively established the new role of the prosumer. Small producers and energy consumers can now actively participate in the distribution market and generate additional revenue, contributing to the balancing of the network.

Management of large amounts of energy

Our innovative demand response managementsystem allows utilities, ESCOs and trade associations to access the Dispatching Services Market (MSD). In fact, our hardware and software solution offers users (consumers or energy producers) a portfolio turnkey tool to actively participate in the flexibility and stability of the network. Thanks to the remuneration introduced by the new regulations, the capacity offer – to go up or down – is an important source of income, particularly if characterised by a high level of flexibility.

For this new business opportunity, we offer an intuitive platform and a hardware and software solution that we have developed in-house.

What we offer

  • Software-as-a-service solution (SaaS)

  • Flexible licensing and profit-sharing models

  • Smart Hardware

  • Optional remote control

Your benefits

  • Cross-sell opportunities

  • Generation of additional income

  • Continuous development and updating

  • Possibility of customised products and services

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