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Alpiq in Italy

In Italy, we are active in the sale of both gas and electricity and in the production of electricity through our diversified power plant portfolio. We are also able to purchase and manage conventional and renewable energy produced by third-party plants.

Our highly diversified and flexible power plant portfolio generates about 770 MW in Italy, including thermal power plants, wind farms, photovoltaic plants and small-scale hydropower plants. We are able to guarantee continuity of supply and services for the electricity grid, respecting the highest standards of workplace and environmental safety.

Our goal is to establish lasting relationships with our customers by offering technologically innovative solutions developed to guarantee maximum efficiency and flexibility. Our customers are mainly manufacturing industries or commercial companies, large retailers, logistics centres, health facilities, hotel chains, trade fair organisations, etc.

We buy the energy produced by third party plants and put it on the market: our experience as a trader allows us to maximise the value extracted from all energy markets, offering competitive agreements to producers of renewable and conventional energy. Our knowledge of the electricity market in Italy and in Europe also allows us to minimise the uncertainties linked to the intermittent nature of energy generation or to price fluctuations.

News & Stories

Alpiq to help prevent forest fires in Sicily by installing special cameras on wind turbines

Milan/Lausanne – The summer fires that rage in Sicily destroy nature and often cost lives. As part of a pilot project with Sicilian authorities, Alpiq…

Vercelli 2.0 – more flexible, efficient and climate-friendly

Over the past months, Alpiq has completely overhauled the Vercelli gas-fired power plant in the northern Italian region of Piedmont, making it fit for…

Alpiq, San Marco Petroli and Sinloc are jointly working to develop a green hydrogen ecosystem for the Veneto region

Lausanne/Venezia/Padua – Alpiq, San Marco Petroli and Sinloc are jointly launching the project “H2 Laguna”, to develop a green hydrogen ecosystem for…

Alpiq, Green Arrow Capital and Chiesi Group: a green deal story from wind asset in Italy

Lausanne, Switzerland and Milan/Parma, Italy – Alpiq and Green Arrow Capital have signed a new power purchase agreement (PPA) in Italy with global…

Esselunga and Alpiq, a green story

Lausanne/Milan – As part of its sustainability strategy, Esselunga has chosen to purchase, for 94 shops, green energy from renewable sources from the…

New steam turbine for Novel

A steam turbine is currently being replaced at the Novel gas-fired combined cycle power plant. With increased efficiency, the power plant will ensure…

Alpiq, aventron and Chiesi sign PPA for wind asset in Italy

Lausanne/Milan, 7 June 2021 – Alpiq and aventron have signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) in Italy with global pharmaceutical Chiesi Group to…

Alpiq Energia Italia S.p.A.

Via Marostica 1
20146 Milano
T: +39 02 36698 1
F: +39 02 36698 266
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